Includes rules for pattern identification and rules that react to pattern discovery, for example, by generating a complex event derived from content of the triggering event stream. 包括模式标识规则和响应模式发现的规则(例如,通过生成派生自触发事件流的内容的复杂事件)。
The Correlation of the Damp-heat Pathogen and Infant Nephropathic Albuminuria and Studying Its Treatment Based on Pattern Identification Blood in the Urine, Proteinuria and A Quality of Children's Renal Tubule and Pathological Change 湿热病理与小儿肾病蛋白尿的相关性及证治探讨血尿、蛋白尿与儿童肾小管间质病变
By experimental study, two phase flow measuring method was put forward on the basic of the no flow pattern identification, which could solve the oil well measuring problem by a low cost. 通过实验分析,提出建立在无流型识别基础上的两相流流量测量方法,用较低的成本解决油井计量问题。
The spatial pattern identification is one of the ways to deal with the soil moisture spatial data, which can obtain clustering of soil moisture spatial data. 空间模式识别是处理土壤水分含量空间数据的方法之一,能够分析得到土壤水分含量空间数据的聚类结果。
These characteristics provide dependable slug identities for flow pattern identification. 这些特征为流型识别提供了可靠的段塞流标识。
Traffic Pattern Identification of Elevator Group Control System Based on GA Fuzzy Neural Network; 采用计算机仿真技术,设计并实现了高层楼宇的智能电梯群控制系统。
Classification of Three Types of Energy Loss for Utility Boilers Based on Fuzzy Pattern Identification 基于模糊模式识别的电站锅炉能损故障分类
A flow pattern identification method is proposed based on the least standard criterion. 基于最小方差预测准则,提出水平管油气两相流流型辨识方法。
Conclusion: The literature analysis of pattern identification of CHF can provide references and foundations for establishing pattern identification standards of CHF in the future. 结论:通过对CHF中医证型的相关文献进行统计分析,可为进一步确定CHF的中医辨证分型标准提供参考和依据。
Research of Gait Pattern Identification Based on Acceleration Signals 基于加速度信号的步态模式分类系统的研究
Two-phase flow pattern identification based on neural networks and D-S evidence theory 基于神经网络和D-S证据理论辨识两相流流型
Review on Application of Bayesian Network in Pattern Identification Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine 贝叶斯网络在中医辨证研究中的应用
Flow Pattern Identification of Gas-solid Fluidized Bed Based on Chaos Theory and Elman Neural Network 基于混沌理论与Elman神经网络的气固流化床流型识别
Flow pattern identification in measuring channel of horizontal oil-water two phase flow well logging tool 水平油水两相流测井仪器测量通道内流型识别
Design Pattern Identification Using Fuzzy Finite-State Automata 一种通过模糊有限状态自动机识别设计模式的方法
26 Cases of Depressive Syndrome Treated by Pattern Identification of Chinese Medicine 中医辨证分型治疗26例抑郁综合征
Fault Pattern Identification of Rolling Bearing By the AR Model Based on EMD Method 基于EMD的AR模型在滚动轴承故障模式识别中的应用
Convex polygon star pattern identification algorithm for celestial guidance 星光制导中的凸多边形星图识别算法
Pattern Characteristic and Efficacy Evaluation of Treatment Based on Pattern Identification of SHR Rats 自发性高血压大鼠证候特征及辨证论治疗效评价
Self-adaptive Decoupling Fuzzy Control and Simulation of Ball Mills Based on Operating Pattern Identification 基于运行模式识别的球磨机自适应解耦模糊控制与仿真
Traditional Chinese medicine is a medical science; it persists in the holistic viewpoint and the pattern identification and treatment. 中医学是一门医学科学,它坚持整体观念,坚持辨证施治。
Traffic pattern identification of elevator group control based on Bayes decision theory 基于贝叶斯决策理论的电梯群控交通模式识别
Fuzzy pattern identification of classification for surrounding rock masses in bolt supported coal mine entries 煤矿巷道锚杆支护围岩分类的模糊模式识别
On the Buddha patterns, gestures, backlight pattern identification, like a relic of the Liao ago. 就佛像花纹、手势、背光图案鉴定,像是辽代以前遗物。
It is suitable for treating the wet and heat puzzling the spleen, heat remaining in the stomach and intestines, dryness and heat consuming Yin pattern identification. 对于消渴病早期上、中消症状有较好的改善作用,临床适用于湿热困脾证、胃肠结热证、燥热伤阴证。
A method of adaptive period simulated human controler based on pattern identification is provided. 提出一种基于模式识别的仿人变周期智能控制方法。
Fuzzy closeness degree is a definition in theory of fuzzy set pattern identification. 基于模糊集模式识别理论中的模糊贴近度,提出了继电器产品在概念设计阶段进行结构设计的新方法。
Method of Flow Pattern Identification Based on Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Fusion Techniques 基于小波变换和模糊融合技术的流型识别方法研究
The minimum-distance and neural network classifier are researched on pattern identification in this paper. 文中研究了最小距离分类器和神经网络在模式分类中的应用。
Research results also show that combining the feature extraction and the SVM technique is effective for flow pattern identification. 研究结果同时表明,将特征提取和SVM分类技术相结合进行气液两相流流型辨识是有效的。